Things To Do When Feeling Down

Life is a roller coaster ride of happy and sad days. There are times when we are happy, and at times, we feel sad. However, a time comes when a person feels down strangely, and they wonder about things to do when feeling down. This kind of mood swing is very common and can continue for several days.

People fail to cope with this depression vortex which is inevitable in a person’s life. When you are down, you might end up harming yourself. Therefore, it is essential to get out of this depressive phase as soon as possible. We have prepared a list of things to do when feeling down.

Setting Up the Trap (Key Points)

  • Be kind to yourself, and don’t push yourself hard.
  • Go for a walk, play outdoor or indoor sports, or do some exercise.
  • Watch funny videos to laugh as it is a stress-reversal method.
  • Eat healthy food rich in Vitamin B and D.
  • Take long and deep breaths.
  • Spend quality time with your pet animals.
  • Read a book (inspirational)
  • Keep yourself busy with some work.
  • Take a B12 supplement.
  • Get a pedicure right away.
  • Take the memory train to your childhood memories.
  • Drink lots of water.

Be Kind to Yourself

Treating oneself with kindness might seem like a piece of vague advice. However, it is a very important aspect of mental well-being per the psychological experts. In this hustle and bustle of life, people are busy minting money, and they forget to take care of themselves. People are so overwhelmed with their goals and achievements that they neglect their mental health.

Thus, they ultimately end up feeling down after regular periods. The best way to start avoiding this problem in the future is by putting off pressure from your mind. You must be kind to yourself to attain a healthier lifestyle. You must stop being hard on yourself concerning your work and life goals. Doing this will not let you feel down more often.

Hit The Outdoors

Global urbanization is severely impacting the health of humans. It is a simple fact that the more we move away from nature, the more diseases we invite. So, the next time you feel down, you should immediately go outdoors. You can go for a walk in the nearby park or play an outdoor sport like tennis, football, or baseball.

Going outdoors will fill your lungs with natural air, ultimately improving your mood. People who spend a fraction of their time outdoors daily tend to feel better than those who don’t spend time with nature. Thereby, you should enlist going outdoor in things to do when feeling down.

Find A Reason to Laugh

Laughing is very important for your health, both physical and mental. According to medical experts, the laughing process brings into motion 30 muscles of your body. Therefore, laughing will surely change your mood spontaneously.

You may watch funny videos or read trending memes on Twitter to laugh. Moreover, you can hit your favorite comedy show or movie to laugh. Laughing reduces cortisol levels, epinephrine, and dopamine catabolite. Thereby, it results in a stress response immediately. Next time you feel down, make sure to laugh to get out of stressful vibes immediately.

Meet Your Friends or People You Love

A healthy interaction can change the mood of a person like no other way. A company of a friend is no more than a blessing. Everyone has a friend with whom one can share personal feelings and every problem. Thus, you should go to your best friend or the person you love whenever you are feeling down. That person will be able to understand you better and will surely find a way to take you out of this depressive episode.

Eat Healthy Food

Food can bring about a significant change in your body and mood. You should eat healthy food to get out of an undesirable mood. The choice of food is of great significance. According to expert nutritionists, you should only opt to eat healthy food when you are feeling down.

Food You Should Eat When Feeling Down

Vitamin D is good for countering depression. Hence, you should eat food rich in Vitamin D, such as almonds, mushrooms, oranges, cheese, spinach, and bananas. Health experts highly recommend eating dark chocolate when one is feeling down. Dark chocolate comprises important minerals like zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, and phosphorus.

Moreover, it has chemicals called flavanols that regulate the flow of blood to your brain. Therefore, it is very healthy for your brain and overall health. However, do not overeat dark chocolate and only take it twice or thrice a week. We highly recommend you stick to fruits, vegetables, and nuts when you are feeling down.

Food You Should Avoid When Feeling Down

Avoid junk food at every cost when you are not in a good mood, as it will have harmful impacts on your body. When going through a depressive mood, junk food will act as fuel to fire. Moreover, you should also avoid soft drinks or sweetened carbonated drinks during this period. All these harmful foods and drinks should be out of the list of things to do when feeling down.

Take Deep and Long Breaths

Breathing is an act that is used as a central element in yoga exercise. It is because breathing is a natural healer. Therefore, you should take long and deep breaths when you are feeling down. It is preferable to take these breaths outdoor and close to nature. Taking deep breaths will lower the stress on your body every time you inhale and exhale. So, make sure to put this habit into the things to do when feeling down.

Spend Some Time with Pets

The love of animals is unconditional. Love is the best healer regardless of the situation. Hence, you should spend some time with your pet animals to freshen up your mood. Animals such as dogs love to an unlimited extent. The mere presence of pets is therapeutic. They will make you feel better in a short period. Hence, spending time with your fluffy friend is one of the best things to do when feeling down.

Read A Book or Quote

This one remedy is magnificent in every aspect. Words can cure the wounds of years. Hence, you should go through a book, preferably an inspirational book whenever you are feeling upset. It will not only enhance your knowledge but will also divert your mind from the temporary feeling of emptiness.

You can also read inspirational quotes to boost your motivation. Reading a book will surely take your attention away from the depression feelings.

Take B12 Supplement

B12 supplement contains Vitamin B as the chief constituent. It regulates the health factors of blood and nerve cells. Moreover, it is also instrumental in making DNA in your cells. The best advantage of taking a B12 supplement is that it prevents megaloblastic anemia. Megaloblastic anemia is a typical blood condition that causes weakness and tiredness.

Therefore, taking the B12 supplement will not make you get tired. Resultantly, it will also change your mood whenever you are feeling down. The B12 supplement should be on your list of things to do when feeling down.

Get A Pedicure Massage

A pedicure massage is a facial and relaxing treatment done on the feet. It invokes a relaxing feeling in a person’s mind. The foot massage of pedicure comes into play as it stimulates certain pressure points. These pressure points will reduce the stress levels significantly.

Therefore, you should head over to a massage center to get a pedicure massage. You will feel very relaxed and free from worries in a short period with this magical treatment. Getting a pedicure massage once in a month is one of the vital things to do when feeling down.

Netflix And Chill

What else could be better than watching your favorite movies or series on Netflix the next time you are feeling down? Watching your favorite series can quickly change your mood. Hence, hit the Netflix app whenever you are feeling down. It will divert your attention quickly.

Take A Sunbath

Sunlight is the natural healer of the human body and mind. There is a reason vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin. Whenever you go out in the sun, your body produces vitamin D, which is very beneficial for your health and will shield you from stress.

Thereby, you must take a sunbath when the feeling of emptiness takes over your mind. It will relieve you from mood swings. Add this to your daily routine of things to do when feeling down.

Review Childhood Memories

Childhood is the time everyone misses the most when they are past that period. Taking a train down memory lane is surely a good idea to bring a smile to your face. You should take out old photographs, videos, and other things to evoke memories of childhood.

You will feel happier after going through your childhood days. You should also try to share your memories with your kids or friends to make it more interesting. Taking the rewind of childhood memories will add happy feelings and will perish the sad feelings.

Shunning The Comparison Mindset

The comparison mindset is present ever since the beginning of mankind. This leads toward envoy which is harmful to relationships and an individual’s mental health. We have to admit this universal truth that every human being is unique in their spectrum.

Therefore, every person enjoys a different lifestyle. A comparison mindset will pressure you to do more. Moreover, the bitter reality is that people start setting their goals following their comparison judgments. This is a serious problem in the long run and will cause you mood swings more often. Hence, the best is to nip it once and for all by putting an end to the comparison mindset.

Do A Good Deed

Doing a good deed is one of the easiest ways to get rid of a depressing situation. You may help your neighbor or feed a stray dog. You can do any kind of a good deed to get out of the depression vortex. Pursuing a good deed will enhance your inner satisfaction and you will feel better the very next moment. So, add it to your list of things to do when feeling down.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Water might not be the elixir of life, but it is still a very important component in everyone’s life. Experts are of the view that people with better hydration levels will remain stress-free than those who do not drink even water. Therefore, make a routine of intaking two to three liters of water. Keeping yourself hydrated with fresh your body and mind. An optimal hydration level is of the best things to do when feeling down.


Feeling down is a situation we all have to face. It is not an abnormal condition. However, when you encounter this feeling more often, it can become a real headache. So, people look for things to do when feeling down to get into a better state of mind. We recommend you try the above-discussed tips and tricks next time you get into a mood swing.

Adding these things to your routine will surely help you with mental and physical health. You will feel relaxed and more motivated in your life. Remember that happiness is a choice. Therefore, pursue it without any fear.

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