Why Am I Feeling Down?

Feeling down at unusual times or without a proper reason is an experience everyone faces. This feeling can sometimes be referred to as sadness. During this time, a person feels extremely demotivated from every perspective. Many people are in a frenzy regarding this feeling. They ask a question, “Is it normal to be down for no reason?” Well, the answer to this question is affirmative.

Seasonal mood changes are something common in every person. However, you must be aware if it is happening quite often. Even with a very perfect lifestyle, you can feel down or sad on any day. So, one must know the critical reasons behind this feeling of sadness before taking remedial measures.

Setting Up the Trap (Key Points)

  • Is it normal to be down for no reason? Yes, it is normal and a part of human psychological behavior.
  • You might have higher expectations from yourself that might push you toward feeling down in the end.
  • Sleep deprivation is another major cause of this problem.
  • Change in the environment may be a turning point for causing sadness.
  • Continuous feelings of worthlessness will provoke you to feel down.

Why Would a Person Feel Down?

As a person, there must have been some days in your life when you are feeling down, apparently for no reason. This type of unusual situation happens to everyone. Hence, people seek the answer to the question, why would a person feel down? There are many answers to this question. However, you must remember that if it is irregular, it is normal.

On the other hand, it should ring bells if it is happening very often. People feel down due to various reasons and it is not right to declare this feeling as depression in the preliminary stage. A person may feel down due to job issues, relationship problems, or financial woes. Any of these problems can be a cause of this temporary sadness.

Feeling Down – Being Hard with Oneself

Higher expectations from oneself can be a damning reason for feeling down. It is everyone’s dream to achieve their goals, and many times they will set unrealistic goals for themselves. After failing to achieve these impractical goals, a person will get into a situation of sadness.

Therefore, going hard on yourself regarding your goals will make you sad more often. It will pressure you to do more while you might be giving your best already. This problem of expecting too much from oneself may lead to chronic mental illnesses.

Sleep Deprivation – Feeling Down

Your sleeping habits have much to do with your occasional mood swings. Both less and excess sleep are destructive to mental health and mood in particular. If you taking lesser sleep than the normal range, you will surely start feeling down in a couple of coming days. This is natural as you are stressing yourself.

Sleep deprivation is the root cause of many diseases and behavioral changes. Even the motivation factor is also affected by sleep deprivation. Normal sleep ranges from seven to eight hours daily and is enough to keep you fresh all day long.

However, if you are getting lower sleep than this range, you will most likely be feeling down in the coming days. Sleep deprivation makes the brain weary and tired. Thereby, it will certainly worsen your mood and you will end up feeling sad to the core.

Sudden Change of Environment

A sudden change of environment may hit the emotional nerve of a person. This one is true mostly for introverts as they do not accept change immediately. A person who is compelled to change his environment may end up in the lone tunnel of feeling down.

Introverts are not accustomed to sudden changes. However, there can be situations where change is a prerequisite. For instance, you might have to relocate for your job. This change may put you in a state of temporary sadness. However, the sad effect of environmental change diminished over time.

Feelings Of Worthlessness = Feeling Down

Sensitive people are very harsh on themselves. They will demean themselves for being sensitive in certain matters. This situation will cast a feeling down shadow as they entitle themselves as worthless. Considering yourself as a worthless person is a new low as it will ultimately take you toward depression.

Having feelings of worthlessness is the starting point of the self-destruction path. Usually, this feeling arises when you find yourself short on your goals or expectations. Moreover, you may also put yourself in a comparison battle and will mark yourself as worthless. It is the main reason why people feel down without appropriate reason.


Feeling down for no apparent reason is a feeling that everyone must have braced in their lives. There are scores of different reasons behind this vague mood swing. Sleep deprivation, expectations, sudden change of environment, and feeling of worthlessness are some of the major reasons behind this scenario.

It is crucial to understand the reason behind a particular state of mind. One will be able to differentiate a mood swing from depression after having a clear understanding of the above-discussed points. Lastly, it is normal if you are feeling down once in a blue moon, as it is also a part of life.

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